The aeroacoustics research of TsAGI is focused on the development of research and technological advances to achieve a needed level of ecological safety of the Russian advanced medium-haul aircraft in respect to the environmental aircraft noise and the sonic and aero-thermo-ventilative comfort of the passenger and crew cabins.
Main areas of activity:Research and development of the recommendations for the optimization of characteristics of the new active and passive acoustic suppression systems for advanced aircraft engines; Research and development of the methods that lower the intensity of the acoustic radiation of the main noise producing parts of advanced aircraft and helicopters, e.g., aircraft engine blades, jet blast, aircraft and helicopter airscrew and rotors, elements of the airframe, etc.;
Main results of the research:New multi-layered sound-absorbing architecture for advanced aircraft power plant acoustic suppression systems have been developed. This architecture exhibits sound-absorbing properties based on resonant frequencies and in the broadband part of the radiated noise spectrum. Also part of the research are the large-scale architectural controls at the beginning of the blast, as well as with nozzle-edge and micro-blasts of the corona effect using the new measures of jet-blast noise abatement, resulting in recommended effective methods of jet-blast noise abatement. TsAGI research developed the computational equivalent method connected with the noise floor of long-range aircraft acoustic certification and, as a result, the demonstrative documentation was developed. The Certificates of conformity of the aircraft Tu-204/214, Il-96-300, An-124-100 to standards of the noise floor of the Clause 4 IСAO were issued by the Interstate Aviation Committee. Research created the range of the analytical model of the fuselage framed cover for forecasting the noise in cabin that runs through a wide area of the parameterization of the cover. The models incorporate the discretisation and elastomeric character of the stringers inertia and fuselage frame, interaction of the waffle sound-absorbing cover and the air volume limited by this cover. Also created was the numerical scheme for numerical modeling of spatial, unfixed, non-izotermic air turbulent flows. The flows are produced in the aero-thermo-ventilation systems of modern passenger aircraft. The model operates with the real physics specific for the issues of aero-thermo-ventilation in enclosed space: forced and natural convection, turbulent transport, unsteady aircraft regime, heat-and-mass transfer, and registration of the mix of gas ingredients transfer. The results of the research are the basis to assure achievement of competitive ecological safety levels for advanced aircraft, and are broadly used in the process of constructing a new family of passenger aircraft, the MC-21. Within the last ten years TsAGI`s recommendations and developments have made a substantial contribution to the noise abatement of the current operational aircraft families of the Il-76, Il-96, Tu-204/211, An-124, and furnish them with the acoustic Certification to present ICAO standards. In addition to aircraft acoustic issues, existing TsAGI experimental facilities, methods and software systems solve additional industrial problems, e.g., the acoustic zoning of airports, designing acoustic comfort conditions in city infrastructure with substantial ventilation systems (underground railway, automobile tunnels, etc.), as well as the operations of railway transport, the noise abatement of different industrial generating units, etc. Also, TsAGI acoustic specialists cooperate with their European partners. In 2008-2010 they have worked on the project DREAM — research on the noise of coaxial propellers. The tests are run in TSAGI`s wind tunnel T-104 with noise dampening. The research results will help create the advanced low-noise aircraft with turboprop power plants. The responsible specialists:Further information of TsAGI services in the area of noise abatement is available through the Head of TsAGI Acoustics Department Prof. Kopiev Victor Feliksovich: Tel.:
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