TsAGI creates heavy aircraft behavioral model
13 April 2018
How does one foresee and solve aircraft control loss during flight? And what are the safe ways for transport pilots to gain such experience? How can we simulate aircraft behavior under extreme conditions? These and other questions were discussed at the Conference “Prevention of control loss accidents: Transport pilot training for actions in extreme circumstances.”
TsAGI scientists presented at the Conference a new computer model of aircraft dynamics at high angles of attack, taking into account aircraft aerodynamics ambiguity, asymmetric stall, buffeting and others. The model solutions will be tested in flight simulators, where a flight team trains on how to act during control loss. Russian airline pilots — the participants in the event, were given an opportunity to become acquainted with the flight model in TsAGI flight simulators.
Another important TsAGI research function is the influence of the cockpit simulator during critical flight situations. According to the pilots who participated in test maneuvers, the full motion cabin simulation is exceptionally useful before a stall. During the sudden loss of lift as a result of abnormal air flow over the wing and prior to recovery, attention must be given to reproducing the most helpful information to overcome this critical phase of flight. Varied aircraft models are tested in the vertical wind tunnel where flight control loss at extreme stall angles can cause the aircraft to spin.
Participants attended TsAGI’s experimental facilities within the framework of the Conference.