Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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TsAGI scientists inform young people about the contemporary trends in the aircraft industry

14 December 2017

A significant outcome from composite materials can be achieved only by actually using new types of composite structures. To find these materials is one of the priorities in aviation science now. A report, “Modern and prospective designs of aircraft,” details these alternatives.

The report’s authors are the Deputy General Director of TsAGI and the Head of the Aircraft Strength Complex Mikhail Zichenkov. and the Head of the laboratory of strength of prospective aircraft Alexander Shanygin. They presented their work at the plenary meeting of the 60th Scientific Conference of MIPT.

According to the experts of the Centre for aeronautical science, current composite constructions differ little from metal in their geometry and topology. Lately, however, the question of transition of new composite substructures and new structural arrangements attracts a growing interest among researchers, as well as Russian and foreign producers of aviation techniques.

The scientists also explained to students of MIPT — many of which were seeking to start a research career at TsAGI — the main directions of research activity at the complex. The reporters viewed the issues of aviation constructions and priorities facing the Institute’s specialists.

The jubilee 60th Scientific Conference was devoted to the birthday of MIPT, the Moscow Institute of physics and technology. It was attended by students, postgraduates, teachers and scientific employees of MIPT, Russian universities, and others. Within the framework of the Conference a competition of research papers was held among young scientists. The best works will be published in the collection of abstracts. The reports of the winners will be published in a scientific journal, “Proceedings of MIPT,” which is in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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