Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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TsAGI at the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2017”

29 August 2017

On August 23 Academician Sergey Chernyshev, Director General of FSUE “TSAGI” (a member of the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E.Zhukovsky) visited the international military-technical forum “Army-2017”, where he took part in the roundtable discussion “ARMY AND MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AS THE BASIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL LEADERSHIP OF RUSSIA”. The discussion brought together representatives of public organizations and councils, business and Government, academic and expert communities.

The goal of the round table-discussion was the consideration of the problems of a supply of engineers for the army and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, experiences exchange, pooling efforts to prepare scientific and engineering personnel, etc.

Commenting on the discussion, Sergey Chernyshev clarified that TsAGI, being a military-industrial organization, in solving its staffing objectives guided the chain, that is, occupational guidance for schoolchildren, work with universities, training in postgraduate and doctoral studies, and professional development. He elaborated on each of these elements.

After careful preparation and consideration, the result was the establishment of, in conjunction with partners, the Youth Aerospace Education Center “Altitude”. Also, TsAGI held a number of events for the graduates and prize-winners of the educational center “Sirius”. TsAGI took the occasion to open the children’s park “Kvantorium”. Overall, TsAGI’s favorable relations with key educational institutions attracted many new scpecialists to the Institute. Indeed, 40 graduates of specialized institutions elected to start their careers at TsAGi in 2016.

“The question of skilled worker training is problematic,” said Sergey Chernyshev. “I believe that it would be useful to identify strong universities and find resources to support them. I refer to universities which supply staff and personnel to leading scientific centers. TsAGI is interested in receiving such elite scientific staff and willing to expend resources to obtain them. The results will more than justify the costs. They will be highly qualified specialists, capable of succeeding in innovative development of the military-industrial complex and the national economy”.

The international military-technical forum “Army-2017” is an annual event organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Forum aims to promote technical upgrading and enhancing of the effectiveness of the Ministry of Defense, the stimulation of innovative development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation and its young perspective specialists, the promotion of military-technical cooperation, patriotism, etc.

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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