Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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MAKS-2017: key events of TsAGI scientific and business program

31 July 2017

The Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI, a member of the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E.Zhukovsky”) presents the main results of its scientific and business program within the framework of the XIII International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017.

The XV Russia-China Conference on fundamental issues of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, strength and flight safety took place on the threshold of MAKS-2017. The event was hosted by TsAGI and CAE — Chinese Aeronautical Establishment. More than 80 experts from leading aviation organizations of the two countries took part in the event. Forty-two reports devoted to the configuration of current-technology and prospective aircraft, improvement of their performance and safety, measurement techniques and others issues were presented.

An important event of the program was the opening of the science laboratory to investigate the combustion behavior in engines of future-technology vehicles. It is the first resident of the TsAGI Technopark. The equipment will be used to conduct advanced studies involving young scientists who will be led by world-class professionals.

The round table “Leading scientists — to aviation enterprises,” which was co-organized by the Institute, continued the scientific topics of the Salon. Heads of laboratories — mega-grants-takers (including the one created in TsAGI) shared their achievements and challenges to their colleagues, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the business community, as well as expressed their position for the further development of this area of research. Also, a discussion took place regarding the contemporary problems of the aerospace industry and the ways to solve them.

In the framework of MAKS-2017 TsAGI introduced its scientific achievements at the Conference “Perspective directions of development of rotary-wing aircraft: innovative schemes.” Scientists of the Institute reported on ongoing research in aerodynamics of advanced high-speed rotary wings. Much attention was paid to the technical and scientific capabilities of the Russian Center of aeronautical science.

Also, TsAGI held a two-day seminar for young scientists from organizations, members of the International Forum on Aviation Research (IFAR). The participants attended the plenary meeting of the Eurasian Aerospace Congress (EAK 2017), supported the discussion within the framework of the round table “Education for the future,” and discussed the issues of professional development of young scientists and engineers in the aerospace industry. An important outcome of the event was the establishment of working contacts in the framework of the initiative of IFAR ECN (Early Career Network).

The AGILE project workshop (Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration Heterogeneous Teams of Experts) opened TsAGI’s business program at MAKS-2017. The participants discussed the intermediate results of the project and further steps, approved the schedule of joint work and divided the tasks among the partners.

The delegation took part in the road-show “Zhukovsky: Opportunities for investment and innovation.” The event hoped to attract finance and establish a new industrial and technological platform on the territory of Science City. TsAGI representatives delivered a presentation about the aviation technology cluster and Technology Park created in Zhukovsky. In a ceremonial signing by TsAGI, the Research and Development Establishment of Aeronautical equipment, the Myasischev Design Bureau, the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov, Research and Engineering Company and the Center for Scientific and Technical Services “Dinamika” agreed on the establishment of an aviation technology cluster as a part of a consortium of innovative clusters of the Moscow region.

The Institute paid special attention and cooperation to its European partners. During a meeting with a delegation of the Embassy of France, the parties considered the possible directions of scientific cooperation with French organizations, which activities were coordinated within the Russian-French Council on economic, financial and trade issues — CEFIC, and also discussed the organization of the nearest bilateral seminar ONERA-TSAGI and planned within the framework of the seminar Denis Maugars Award. The result of the negotiations with colleagues from the company Safran resulted in an agreement on further steps in the development of bilateral cooperation. The French side expressed interest in scientific cooperation with TsAGI. A meeting with the Airbus Corporation allowed clarification of the direction of future joint international projects.

The topic of cooperation with European research organizations developed during a dialogue with the Director of the Department of European cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Kelin. The activation of international cooperation became the main topic of the meeting with Grigory Trubnikov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The program of the visit included the examination of the experimental facilities of the TsAGI Technopark. They also discussed the possibility of the Ministry’s delegations taking part in the centennial of TsAGI in 2018.

TsAGI gave special attention to the development of Asian destinations for scientific cooperation. During a meeting with a delegation from the FAI Institute (China), the parties found a point of mutual interest in the field of aerodynamics and aircraft strength, discussed the current contract, as well as new subjects for joint projects. The subject of dialogue with representatives of Japanese corporation Toray Industries become issues of cooperation in the field of advanced materials.

Meeting with partners took place both at the site of MAKS-2017 and TsAGI. The Institute became a venue for the 12th meeting of the Workshop on civil aviation and the civil aircraft industry of the subcommittee on cooperation in the field of industry for the Russian-Chinese Commission during the regular meetings of Heads of Government. The event was attended by colleagues from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the COMAC Corporation, as well as by representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the leading domestic enterprises of the aviation industry.

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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