Strengthening of cooperation with Europe and report on promising helicopters: TsAGI’s third day at MAKS-2017
20 July 2017
The delegation of the Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI, a member of the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E.Zhukovsky”) held a series of negotiations with representatives of State authorities and foreign partners on collaborative research. TsAGI also demonstrated its abilities in advanced helicopters.
The meeting with French company Safran opened the business program of the day. There was a discussion about cooperation in the areas of new layouts of aircraft, hybrid propulsion and solving icing problems. Also, they discussed the details of a Safran visit to TsAGI scheduled for September of this year. The discussion of cooperation with French colleagues evolved into a meeting with Airbus partners.
The topic of cooperation with European research organizations was developed during a dialogue with the Director of the Department of European cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Kelin. At the negotiating table TsAGI acted as the National contact point “Aeronautics.” The two sides discussed the possibility of strengthening the Russian-European scientific cooperation, as well as the involvement of local experts to participate in joint projects of the “Horizon 2020” framework program of the European Union. The activation of international cooperation became the main topic of the meeting with Grigory Trubnikov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
In addition to the business program, TsAGI introduced its scientific achievements at the Conference “Perspective directions of development of rotary-wing aircraft: innovative schemes.” Scientists of the Institute reported on ongoing research in aerodynamics of advanced high-speed rotary wings.