Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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Russian and Chinese scientists discuss the issues of aviation science at TsAGI

18 July 2017

The XV Russia-China Conference on fundamental issues of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, strength and flight safety took place on 17-18 July in the framework of MAKS 2017 at the Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI, a member of the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E.Zhukovsky”) . The event was hosted by TsAGI and CAE — Chinese Aeronautical Establishment.

Representatives of TsAGI and other leading organizations of the Russian aviation industry- the Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin, the Moscow Aviation Institute, the P.I. Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Development (CIAM), the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov — spoke of their development and scientific research. From the Chinese side, participants included the specialists of scientific-research institutions BASTRI, FACRI, SADRI, CHRDI, ASRI, aviation corporations HONGDU, AVIC, Tsinghua University and others.

The priority areas for research of aerodynamics of civil aircraft were highlighted in TsAGI’s plenary paper. Some of the issues may be potentially explored jointly with Chinese partners. In turn, colleagues of ASRI provided an overview of current developments and new opportunities for cooperation between scientists of the two countries in the field of strength and aeroacoustics of aircraft.

TSAGI specialists prepared more than 20 reports, covering the entire spectrum of the focus areas of the Conference. In addition, TsAGI’s presented its own results of research carried out in collaboration with their partners.

“The Conference has already become a traditional event for members of the aviation community and is notable for the breadth of the issues discussed,” said Sergey Lyapunov, Deputy Director General of TsAGI and Head of the Aircraft Flight Aerodynamics and Dynamics Complex and Chief Scientific Officer of the Conference. “Sharing scientific advances often becomes a solid foundation for the launch of joint projects, which is especially important in the context of the progress of our cooperation with Asian partners.”

The Russia-China Conference is held every two years alternately in the two countries. The purpose of the meeting is a full exchange of research results and development of business contacts among scientists. The event is included in the overall plan of cooperation of Russian and Chinese enterprises in science and technology.

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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