TsAGI takes part in the first public workshop of the Future Sky Safety project
23 March 2017
In early March representatives of the Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI, part of the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky”) took part in the public workshop of the Future Sky Safety project, in which Russia was represented by TsAGI. The meeting was held in Brussels.
The purpose of this event is to bring to the attention of the scientific community the progress of solving the tasks that the scientists are facing while working on the Future Sky Safety project. Moreover, the workshop has made it possible to determine the prospective directions of research aimed at improving the aviation safety level within the frameworks of other projects. Ways to reduce the number of aviation accidents were also discussed during the meeting. Special attention was paid to the problem of reducing the role of the human factor, reducing the risk of fire and smoke hazard in the aircraft cabin, preventing incidents on the runway (in particular, cases of aircraft rolling out off the runway).
Evgeny Andreev, the Head of TsAGI’s European Contact Bureau, said: “It is important to note that this was the first public workshop on the project, which has been implemented since 2015. Interim results were considered, and the prospective directions of the development of such high-priority field as the air transport safety within the frameworks of the coordinated contests of Russia — European Union under the program ‘Horizon 2020’ were outlined. For TsAGI, which is the fundamental company of the National Contact Point ‘Aeronautics,’ it is especially important to participate in such discussions. This allows us to influence more effectively the integration of Russian specialists in the European research initiatives, including the ones on the aircraft safety.”
The Future Sky Safety is the project of the EU Framework Program on the Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020,” which is aimed at improving the safety level of European aviation. More than 30 partner companies from 14 countries participate in this project.